We went to Price a few weekends ago to celebrate Mother's Day and party it up with the family. Little A and I headed down on Friday. Zach, since he had to work Saturday day and night, was going to stay home for the weekend. But instead, he was missing his wife and child (we
are pretty incredible) and decided to surprise us by riding a train that left Sunday, Mother's Day, at 4 IN THE MORNING - like, when it's still dark, really dark - and arrived in nearby
Helper at 7 a.m. That's still early. Like, really really early (especially if you're the one who had to roll out of bed to pick him up).
But what a great guy.
We had a fantastic time in Price (as usual). We went to visit a 500 million year old friend at a
College of Eastern Utah dinosaur excavation not far from my parents' house.
(L) Little A touching a real dinosaur tooth. (R) Preserving the dinosaur vertebrae in plaster.
Little A being held by his Grandmother, who should also be known as the World's Best Mother,
and hanging out with his BFF, Grandpa Randy
Hosted an impromptu Valdez family hula hoop party. It was harder than it looks.
(L) Aunt Suzi showing us how it's done. (R) Cousin T.J. busting a move.
(L) Mal and mom (M) Sara (R) Little A

(R) Birthday Girl showing her dad and Uncle Jimmy the proper technique
(L) Linsey, Zach and Grandma Darlene
Celebrated Karley's birthday.
Celebrated Malarie's official college graduation (even though she finished her classes a year ago - she's smart like that).
Toasting the graduate, unfortunately the awesome photographer didn't get a picture
of the graduate during this toast.
And celebrated some pretty incredible Mothers on their special day.
Little A and his Great Grandma Inez and Great Grandma Darlene.
All mothers should be so lucky. We had a blast!