Monday, March 1, 2010

Monday Lovely: Kinky Boots

Did you like the name of this blog post? Hopefully it got your attention. It did mine when Zach told me this was the film he watched when he was up with Little A at 2 a.m. a couple weeks ago (teething made our little guy restless so Z got up with him since this mama was working the next day). It doesn't exactly sound like a family friendly film.

But don't let the name mislead you. We watched this Sundance Film over the weekend (Z had DVR'd it, knowing that I'd probably like to watch it, too) and I fell in love. It's about a man who inherits his four-generation family shoe making business and has to come up with a plan to save it. So he decides to focus the company's efforts on a niche market: drag queens. Hey, those girls need cute shoes, too. Oh, and it's based on a true story.

Besides the drag queens' colorful, choreographed performances and the film's charming characters, it also teaches a great lesson about learning to accept others' differences.

And why 6' 4" men need extra reinforcement on their stilettos.

[Note: If you want to check it out, we found it on the Independent Film Channel on DishNetwork.]



Sarah said...

I've caught some doozies on late night TV too, but none that I'd admit to actually watching.

Maegan Leoni said...

I love this movie! We saw it a while ago. It's such a good story.

Amanda said...

The real queston is, what did little A think of the movie? Catchy title, so nice of your hubby to record it for you.

emmy said...

I am asking Ryan to find this for me now... any recommendation from you is gold. Hope your little man's teeth are feeling better... what a good dad.