Friday, January 18, 2008

Pretty sure my commute to work isn't nearly as colorful

This week has been a particularly crappy one for some of my friends and me. I thought we could all use some beautiful photos to cheer us up.

A while back, I worked for a magazine publisher. It was definitely a crazy job and I had an even crazier boss, but taking that position was one of the best decisions I've made. I was able to travel to beautiful places and experience interesting things. The best thing, though, was that I made some incredible friends. Two of those friends ended up falling in love and are now engaged. They moved to the other side of the world a while ago, and are now calling Vietnam home. I admire Claire and Scott for their impressive combination of courage + love-for-adventure that allowed them to accept a job in a part of the world that was so different from what they had known. They are both talented writers so it's been a definite highlight to get updates and photos on their latest experiences in such a beautiful and foreign place.

Here are a few photos I received from them today that I just couldn't resist sharing. It's a nice reminder that there is so much beauty in someone else's everyday life.

Happy Friday!

Claire said these are floating villages--people actually live here.

A mother and child jewelery sales team from the floating village above.


Teri said...

Thanks for the photos! Sorry you had such a bad week! Hope this one is better for you...

Natalie said...

Last week was particularly shitty. I hope this week is better.